package day7;
* Write a program which illustrates how to declare interfaces and implement
* them in various classes. interfaces AntiLockBrakes,CruiseControl and
* PowerSteering declare optional functionality for an automobile. Each
* interface declares one method which has the same name as its interface. the
* abstract Auto class is extended by the Model1,Model2 and Model3 classes.
* PowerSteering is available for Model1 objects. AntiLockBrakes and
* CruiseControl are available for Model2 objects. CruiseControl is available
* for Model3 objects. Instantiate each of these classes and invoke methods
* base interface with AntiLockBrackes facilities
interface AntiLockBrakes {
void AntiLockBrakes();
* base interface with CruiseControl facilities
interface CruiseControl {
void CruiseControl();
* base interface with PowerSteering functionalities
interface PowerSteering {
void PowerSteering();
* abstract class that would be inherited
abstract class Auto {
abstract public void display();
* it implements PowerStreeing and extends Auto
class Model1 extends Auto implements PowerSteering {
* overrides the method of PowerSteering interface
public void PowerSteering() {
System.out.println("\nDisplay from Model1:PowerSteering()!!");
* display PowerStreeing()
public void display() {
* implements AntiLockBrakes, CruiseControl and extends Auto
class Model2 extends Auto implements AntiLockBrakes, CruiseControl {
* overrides AntiLockBrakes
public void AntiLockBrakes() {
System.out.println("\nDisplay from Model2:AntiLockBrakes()!!");
* overrides CruiseControl
public void CruiseControl() {
System.out.println("\nDisplay from Model2:CruiseControl()!!");
* displays AntiLockBrakes()
public void display() {
* Implements cruisecontrol and extends Auto class
class Model3 extends Auto implements CruiseControl {
* implements CruiseControl
public void CruiseControl() {
System.out.println("\nDisplay from Model3:CruiseControl()!!");
// displays CruiseControl
public void display() {
* class where execution starts
public class InterfaceTest1 {
* exectuion begin from here
* @param args
* commandline arguemtns
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create instance of classes and call methods
Model1 m1Obj = new Model1();
Model2 m2Obj = new Model2();
Model3 m3Obj = new Model3();
Appreciate thankYou